1901 New Jersey Ave, North Wildwood, NJ 08260
Phone: 609.742.5656
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Classroom EcoVentures have a minimum requirement of 25 participants per program, with a minimum of two programs per day (does not include field study programs).*

     Classroom EcoVenture programs (unless otherwise noted)..............................................................................$4.50/student

     Field Study Programs have flat rate fees and have a maximum of 25 participants per program:

    •  First program, two hours in length, and up to 25 students..................................................................Starting at $325.00
    •  Each additional program, same site and day, and up to 25 students each............................................................$275.00

     Auditorium Presentations have flat rate fees:

    •  First program, up to 45 minutes, and up to 250 students.......................................................................................$375.00
    •  Additional same-day, same-site program, up to 250 students................................................................................$225.00

Acceptable Forms of Payment:
Checks: Make checks payable to EcoVentures. Please do not mail ahead. The check should be made out for the correct   amount based on the number of students and must be submitted upon arrival of our staff member.
Credit Cards: We accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.
Cash: We welcome cash, but all cash must be collected prior to the program and payment needs to be made in one single   payment.


More important notes:

• Each Classroom EcoVentures program has a maximum time limit of one hour, however we can modify each program’s timeline to be shorter based on the needs of your daily school schedule. Please be sure to read through the EcoVentures School Planning Guide prior to our visit so that all teachers and  students are prepared.

There is a minimum requirement of 25 participants per program—same site, same day—with a minimum of two programs held per site, per day. There is a maximum of four programs per site, per day. Larger groups can be accommodated in multiple visits.*

The EcoVentures Beach Blast, Shoreline Expedition, Wetlands Walk, and Woodland Wanderer Programs all have a flat rate fee of $325 for the first program and $275 for each additional program with a maximum of 25 participants per program. These programs are each an average of 120 minutes in length.

• Field Study Programs require a chaperone to student ratio of 1:10. Chaperones must be ready and willing to assist with the group and be dressed in appropriate field attire.

• Registration for all EcoVentures should be made at least two weeks in advance. Payment is due in full upon arrival each day.

• The EcoVentures Beach Blast, Shoreline Expedition, Wetlands Walk, and Woodland Wanderer Programs utilize a field study approach to environmental science and appropriate attire should be worn by students and teachers. See each program description for more information including recommended footwear.



*Groups not able to meet the 50 student requirement may still book programs by paying the minimum fee equivalent for 50 students.

© EcoVentures - All rights reserved. Powered by: Osprey Interactive - Digital Marketing
1901 New Jersey Ave, North Wildwood, NJ 08260
Phone: 609.742.5656